Green Finance Centre Advances in PNG with Stakeholders and Partners in July

By: Roselyn Erehe August 05, 2024

GFC hosted its Fourth Technical Working Group (TWG) Meeting on July 24 in Port Moresby under the Inclusive Green Finance Project (IGFP). Pictured is the TWG after the meeting at Hilton Hotel, Port Moresby. TWG included representatives from government, financial institutions, bilateral and multilateral partners, civil society organizations, NGOs, and the private sector. -image supplied

In July, the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) launched the Papua New Guinea Climate FIRST project with a series of workshops, starting with the New Ireland Province.

The Climate FIRST Inception and Stakeholder Consultation Workshop, held on July 22 in Kavieng, marked the beginning of the project's implementation across seven provinces: Eastern Highlands, Enga, Manus, Milne Bay, Morobe, New Ireland, and Simbu.

These provinces had signed Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with the Climate Change Development Authority (CCDA) and GGGI on June 4 during the project’s national inception meeting in Port Moresby.

The project aims to integrate climate change considerations into provincial plans and budgets and to increase climate investments.

GGGI’s Country Representative for PNG and Solomon Islands, Mr. Saki Tuisolia, highlighted the project's importance, noting: “Climate FIRST is a timely intervention designed to help the province accelerate its climate change agenda through enhanced access to climate finance and investments.”

The workshop, attended by 40 participants, included government officials, district representatives, private sector entities, NGOs, and civil society members. Discussions focused on the project’s components and implementation at the provincial level, aligning expectations and setting the stage for planning and execution.

Mr. Tuisolia expressed gratitude to the Australian Government for its AUD 20-million funding under the PNG-Australia Climate Change Action Plan (PACCAP), and to the New Ireland Provincial Government for its support.

The project, launched by NCD Governor Hon. Powes Parkop on March 11, aims to build climate resilience and foster social inclusion by improving climate finance coordination and expanding access to green investments.

The project also emphasizes gender equity, disability, and social inclusion (GEDSI) to ensure equal benefits for women, people with disabilities, and vulnerable groups.

The Climate FIRST initiative is a collaboration between Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), the CCDA, and GGGI.

A Joint Mission Team, including Acting Managing Director of CCDA Ms. Debra Sungi, First Secretary for Climate Change and Forestry at the Australian High Commission Ms. Kashpee Wahid, and GGGI PNG and Solomon Islands Country Representative Mr. Saki Tuisolia, hosted the workshop. They guided discussions on sector priorities and strategic directions to align with local needs.

Ms. Sungi commended the New Ireland Provincial Administration for signing the MoU remotely and emphasized that CCDA had adhered to PNG Government protocols in introducing Climate FIRST to local leaders. She also thanked Australia and GGGI for their support.

Acting Caretaker Provincial Administrator for New Ireland, Ms. Mactil Bais, affirmed the province's commitment to Climate FIRST, noting past benefits from the Australian DFAT-funded Climate Resilience Green Growth (CRGG) project, which had led to the adoption of the CRGG Strategy for climate action.

The First Secretary for Climate Change and Forestry at the Australian High Commission, Ms. Kashpee Wahid, reiterated Australia's strong support for PNG's climate initiatives, underscoring the AUD 20-million funding commitment.

GFC Hosts Fourth TWG Meeting in Port Moresby

On July 24, following the New Ireland workshop, the Green Finance Centre (GFC) held its Fourth Technical Working Group (TWG) Meeting in Port Moresby, focusing on the Inclusive Green Finance Project (IGFP).

The meeting at Hilton Hotel brought together representatives from government, financial institutions, bilateral and multilateral partners, civil society, NGOs, and the private sector.

The GFC, established in March 2024, aims to develop a framework for a green, sustainable, and inclusive financial sector in PNG.

The meeting presented updates on the IGFP’s progress and work plan as the TWG identified five priority sectors for the GFC under the Green Taxonomy, a new system for tracking green lending in PNG that supports climate mitigation and adaptation objectives.

A panel discussion on “Collaborating Inclusive Green Finance and Sustainable Finance in PNG” featured key stakeholders, including:

  • Mrs. Debra Sungi, Acting Managing Director, CCDA
  • Mr. Sakiusa Tuisolia, Country Representative, GGGI
  • Mr. Saliya Ranasinghe, Executive Director, Centre for Excellence in Financial Inclusion
  • Mr. Benoit Chassattee, Resident Representative, Agence Française de Développement (AFD)
  • Mr. Markus Scheuermaier, Resident Representative, International Finance Corporation (IFC)

The panelists discussed their organizations’ roles in advancing sustainable finance and green growth strategies globally and in PNG.

The IGFP, which began in 2021, has now entered Phase 2, focusing on improving financial institutions' readiness to apply the Green Taxonomy and develop green loan products. Supported by ongoing funding from the New Zealand Government, Phase 3 will involve developing a Green Refinancing Facility (GRF) to scale up green loans.

Bank of PNG’s Assistant Governor and Chairperson of the IGFP Steering Committee, Mr. George Awap, emphasized the importance of collaboration and participation in creating a sustainable and climate-resilient financial sector in PNG.

The TWG’s discussions and decisions will guide the IGFP’s continued development and implementation.

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