Five-Year Development Plan for Central Bougainville launched

By: PNG Business News July 01, 2024

The Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea James Marape officially launched the Five-Year Development Plan for Central Bougainville in Arawa Town recently.

Present at the launching was the President of Bougainville Ishmael Toroama, Regional Member for Bougainville Peter Tsiamalili Jnr and cabinet Ministers from both the National Government and the Autonomous Bougainville Government.

The Five-Year Plan (2023 – 2027), is an initiative of the Member for Central Bougainville Fr. Simon Dumarinu to improving service delivery and promoting self-reliance in the electorate.

The plan is themed Paving the Way Forward for Socio-Economic Development through empowering service delivery.

Fr. Dumarinu said that the plan will focus primarily on improving economic development, infrastructure, education, healthcare and governance.

“This plan is an effort by the Member for Central Bougainville to prepare our people to be Independence Ready,” Fr. Dumarinu said.

“It is aligned with the strategic development plans of the Autonomous Bougainville Government and the National Government,” Fr. Dumarinu.

Bougainville President Ishmael Toroama said that the plan is essential to the raising the standard of living of the people of Central Bougainville through economic development and sustainable development.

President Toroama added that this plan will enable the people to partake in the development process in Central Bougainville.

President Toroama also expressed his gratitude to the Prime Minister James Marape for his continued commitment to the people and government of Bougainville.

In launching the Central Bougainville Five Year Development Plan the Prime Minister James Marape urged greater collaboration between the ABG and National Government to implement the plan.

Prime Minister Marape said that he was grateful to see a lot of development and progress in Central Bougainville.

“I thank the ABG leadership under President Toroama and the Member for Central Bougainville Fr. Simon Dumarinu for encouraging development in Central Bougainville and the rest of the region,” Prime Minister Marape said.

“The National Government remains committed to ensuring our people receive the best services the country can offer to our people and this plan along with strategic plans of both governments is the blueprint for development in Central Bougainville,” he added. 

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