Celebrating Education and Community: Vula’a Elementary School Redevelopment Project Completed

By: PNG Business News June 28, 2024

Hula Village, Central Province – John Swire & Sons, Steamships and the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany are thrilled to announce the successful completion and official opening of the redevelopment project at Vula’a Elementary School in Hula, Central Province, Papua New Guinea.

The brand-new classroom was formally presented to the school community in a small ceremony at the school grounds attended by students, parents, teachers, and villagers of Hula as well as representatives from the Central Province Education Authority.

Addressing the audience, Managing Director of Steamships, Rupert Bray said, "We extend heartfelt gratitude to our partners at the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany for their shared vision and generous support. For us, this project symbolizes more than a building; it embodies our collective belief in the transformative power of education. We encourage everyone to take ownership of this facility, ensuring its maintenance for future generations."

The overall investment in this project amounts to approximately PGK 215,000, with Financial Support for Micro Projects Grant from the German Embassy, totaling EUR 25,000 (PGK 97,169), and a contribution of PGK 118,000 from Steamships, covering a rural double classroom kit with a teacher's office space in between, complete with blackboards, pinboards, freight, cartage, and building contractor costs.

H.E. Beate Grzeski, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Canberra, expressed, "The German Embassy is proud to contribute to this impactful community-building initiative, which underscores our commitment to sustainable development in Papua New Guinea, ensuring equitable access to quality education for the youth of Hula."

The completion of this redevelopment project not only provides essential infrastructure but also instills a sense of pride and enthusiasm among the students, educators, and community members involved in its construction. The upgraded facilities are expected to enhance attendance and foster greater engagement, enriching the educational experience for all and contributing to the achievement of national education goals.

The German Embassy Canberra and Steamships remain dedicated to the ongoing success of this initiative and eagerly anticipate the transformative impact it will have on Vula’a Rivilina Elementary School and its community.

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