PNG Solar Supply Lights Up South Pacific International Academy

By: Roselyn Erehe October 14, 2024

The central goal of the Papua New Guinea (PNG) National Energy Authority (NEA) Corporate Plan 2023-2024 is to promote access to affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy services, which are crucial for economic growth and community prosperity.

A key focus is extending electricity access to 70 percent of PNG’s population by 2030 and achieving universal access by 2050. Currently, only about 15% of the nation’s population has access to electricity.

The NEA’s Corporate Plan for 2023-2027 outlines several key initiatives aimed at strengthening the country’s energy infrastructure and promoting sustainable energy development. Two notable initiatives are:

Developing Renewable Energy: The NEA plans to invest in high-profile electric, solar, geothermal, biomass, and wind power projects across PNG.

Strengthening Energy Infrastructure: This involves expanding the use of mini-grids, upgrading transmission and distribution networks, and utilising innovative financial mechanisms to attract private investment.

PNG Solar Supply (SPIA Enterprises Ltd) is committed to supporting this vision by providing sustainable energy solutions -- practically implemented recently with the South Pacific International Academy.

The Academy, located along the Papa-Lealea Highway, has faced power challenges over the past year, experiencing daily blackouts that severely disrupted educational activities.

From September 2023 to February 2024, the school endured eight-hour blackouts daily from 8 AM to 4 PM. Although the situation improved somewhat after February, the issues resurfaced during Independence Day celebrations this year.

On September 16, a damaged power line along the highway caused further instability in the voltage, leading to a potential three-week blackout for both the school and staff housing. However, the academy had already anticipated these problems.

In a timely move, PNG Solar Supply commissioned an 80kW hybrid rooftop solar power system over the same weekend as Independence Day.

The solar materials are provided, designed, procured and commissioned entirely by the company, underscoring a commitment to 100% Papua New Guinea ownership and operation.  Installation was completed by Construction Electrical Services Ltd.

"We used the best materials in the world, and it is reflecting in the system's performance," said Melvin Samuel, Sales and Marketing Coordinator, PNG Solar Supply.

Despite the unreliable grid power over the last three weeks, the new rooftop solar system has operated flawlessly. With a robust battery backup of 122kWh and 80kW of solar panels, the classrooms have remained operational during the day, while staff houses enjoy reliable power throughout the night. 

Switching on the hybrid solar system has completely replaced a standby diesel generator for the Academy.

"This solar solution is changing the game for us. We are no longer at the mercy of an unreliable grid," Samuel added.

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