Photo credit: PNG Haus Bung
The National Airports Corporation has inked an agreement with the Port Moresby Technical College to provide students with job opportunities.
The MoU is the first of its sort for NAC with a national training institute, according to managing director Rex Kiponge.
He stated that NAC and Port Moresby Technical College will build a cooperative collaboration and coordinated working connection for student job training and NAC's capacity development training arrangement.
Mr. Kiponge explained that the MoU defines each party's obligations and responsibilities in order to assist college students' job training needs and NAC's staff capacity development needs. The MoU is in effect from the date of signing until December 31, 2025, and it is subject to review as needed.
“Port Moresby Technical students now have a pathway established through this partnership to do their job training with NAC,” he said.
“NAC also through this MoU will have Port Moresby Technical assisting to provide customised technical training based on NAC training and NAC will provide job training allowance to assist students and should there be a need for recruitment, those students be given the first priority.”
Kaime Kipi, chairman of the Port Moresby Technical Governing Council, said this is the school's first relationship with a government agency and that it marks the start of something huge not only for NAC but also for the students.
Reference: Kamus, Maxine. Post-Courier (21 June 2022). “NAC, POM Tech Sign Agreement”.