Thanks to Hornibrook NGI Limited (HNGI) travellers living at the Lumbrum Naval Base and between Lombrum and Lolak junction in Manus can now ride easy, safely and travel in less time. On top of this, Hornibrook sourced road base material locally on Manus.
These were later crushed and screened by another Manus business and locals were employed to carry out the works.
According to Marketing Manager, Samadhi Lewis, prior to using the crushed road base material, samples were sent to a laboratory in Lae for testing with results passing all criteria for suitability, which reduced HNGI’s need to import materials from elsewhere.
The aggregates for the asphalt sealing works were also sourced locally on Manus, and also passed the test criteria for suitability.
In June 2018 Hornibrook NGI LTD (HNGI) were engaged by Jacobs on behalf of the Australian Department of Home Affairs to submit a tender for the remediation of 4.4 kilometers of unsealed roads within Lombrum Base and for the sealing of a further 5.65 kilometers of road between Lombrum and Lolak junction. The total project was valued at K22.48 milion. The road sealing option of an asphalt surface was accepted by the client.
The works also included the fabrication, supply and installation of a 12mtr bridge over a section where a tidal creek dissected the road.
The bridge was fabricated by HNGI’s Lae Fab steel division and transported to Manus and installed by the HNGI bridge team.
HNGI provided a full engineered design for the works that encompassed geo technical investigations and reports, full survey and as constructed details, and the base course preparation and road building specifications, which were all aligned with the PNG Department of Works and Aust.Roads standards.
Extensive drainage works and remediation of existing table drains and culverts were carried out prior to commencement of the road building activities, along with clearing and grubbing of the verges.
The works included the use of a Wirtgen road recycling machine, which was the first time such methodology had been used on Manus, to prepare and cement stabilize the basecourse prior to the sealing works.
The cement stabilization methodology provides a vastly increased quality of substrate for the road, and increases the lifespan of the sealing.
A high level of quality documentation was developed by HNGI’s Project Engineer for the works, which ensured that all works achieved the relevant standards and specifications.
This resulted in an outstanding road surface which has been recognized by the client and also the Manus Regional Department of Works management team.
The Base Commander at Lombrum, where a large contingent of personnel reside, has praised the HNGI team for their support and co operation during the project and has mentioned that the new road provides everyone living in that area of Manus with a greatly enhanced means of transport into the island center of Lorengau for shopping, hospital and other activities.
The road works were successfully completed in January 2019 on schedule, without any safety incidents for the duration of the project.