Issue 2
In our Issue 2 2022, we have several interesting commentary pieces for us to see the bigger picture of happenings around Papua New Guinea – framed by the national elections that have yet to end as of this posting. This is apart from our excellent array of news and features on the country’s resources and business sectors.
We lead off with an essay from the University of PNG’s Maholopa Laveil on how the country could get more from its mining, oil and gas, and energy sectors.
We also update our readers on the situation at the Yandera Copper Project, where landowners in the area have questioned the government’s renewal of Freeport Resources’ Exploration License 1335.
Toward the back of the magazine, Mr. Lukas Alkan has a thought piece on how the government must act in a timely manner to spur economic growth backed by the extractive sector. Alkan, the head of the PNG EITI National Secretariat, says the government must act decisively to fulfill the World Bank’s projected growth for the country.